Home Office and Kids – this is how you can handle it stress-free
Trying to work from home and take care of your kids at the same time can be really challenging, and we could all do with a helping hand. From big things like prioritising your family to little everyday things like showering and putting on deodorant, the following tips will help you handle the stress.
- Prioritise your family
One thing is for certain; the wellbeing of your family must be the number one priority at the moment. And simply acknowledging this can actually help you clear your mind and focus.
When we prioritise something, we can create a framework to work around. Once you’ve come to terms with the fact that it’s 100% ok to put your family’s wellbeing front and centre, you can start to create your home office setup with a clearer mind.
- Work around your kids
Now, no one is saying that it’s easy to work around your kids but trying to look after your kids around working is going to be so much harder. What does this mean? Well, it comes back to the priority.
Set a routine for your little ones and they will know where they’re at. There’s so much uncertainty at the moment, so the more structure you can create for them the better. And once you’ve got practical plans in place you can start to work on your own space.
- Accept the stress
… to a point. That means giving yourself the space to feel a little stressed about the situation, acknowledge that feeling, and build strategies to minimise it. The two points above will be a big step forward, as they’ll already make you feel more in control.
When you allow yourself to feel the tension and accept that that’s ok – rather than being in denial – then you should start to feel a little calmer. Deep breathing really helps too.
- Be realistic and communicate
Everyone is in the same boat at the moment – even people who aren’t juggling family life and work will have a level of understanding. So, don’t take on work that you know is impossible to complete. Talk to your employers or clients and keep the communication lines open. It’s always best when everyone knows where they’re at.
Another key part of communication is with your kids’ school/s. This is particularly pertinent if you feel that your kids are struggling with their school work. Their teachers know them and know what they might need, so make sure you stay in contact.
And communicate with your partner, if you’ve got one. Let them know how they can help and how you can help them. This is a time for teamwork, and the key to all of that is talking.
- Be flexible
The reality is that however much you plan, things will happen that will throw off your schedule, and you’ll need to adapt. That might mean you need to work after the kids have gone to bed, or maybe at the weekend.
Although that sounds like a real bind, it’ll actually take a lot of the pressure away, as you simply can’t home school, and generally just be mum, if you’re trying to get all of your work done at the same time.
- Look after yourself
You could have the best plan on paper, a well-organised home office, and a super-positive outlook, but there will be times that the stress levels rise. So, make sure you look after yourself. Beginning the day with a shower, putting on deodorant and eating a nutritious breakfast is a great start.
Get out for a walk – you need the fresh air as much as the kids – and take care of what you can take care of throughout the day. Eat well, drink well and take time to breathe. And when you get a moment to yourself, be sure to take advantage of it.
It’s never going to be easy, but you really can cope with working from home and caring for your kids. Put these tips into action and help reduce your stress levels.