The current advice given by the government will see millions remain at home 24/7, an unprecedented situation which will for many, see the aggravation of underlying conditions like anxiety and forms of depression. Luana Ribeira is announcing her free Thrive in Quarantine – Entertainment, Guidance and Support group to help lead both adults and children through this daunting time. Based on the principle of thriving together, this group features a free weekly timetable of activities, lessons and entertainment that members will be able to take part in from the safety and comfort of their own homes.
So far, the timetable includes expert master-classes on the subjects; Family Fitness, How to Grow Your Own Food… Indoors!, How to Pivot Your Physical Business Online, How to Start an Online Business, Acting for Film, Independent Film Broadcast and even How to Write a Book! The group will also feature advice for the more personal trials we are all facing during this unusual time of lockdown, such as; How to Manage Coronanxiety, Maintaining Happy Relationships While Stuck Under One Roof and Homeschooling Like a Boss! All of this plus games and competitions thrown in will ensure both the mind and heart will be occupied with stimulating content that develops skills, making the most of this time.

Luana Ribeira has stated, ‘Together… we will THRIVE!’ to underline the heart of this mission – to build resilience in those uncertain about what they are facing. Luana has developed this initiative upon her own experiences of living minimally in Portugal for 3 months without power, Internet or even running water. This period of tranquility sparked her fire, which led to the release of her best selling book, starting her own business and multiple television appearances.
Those wishing to offer either their time, topic expertise or piece of entertainment to help others Thrive in Quarantine should direct message through the social handles below or e-mail LUANA RIBEIRA at [email protected] .
Facebook: @luaribeira|
Instagram: @luaribeira|
Twitter: @luana_ribeira