Today: April 16, 2024 6:38 am


Dr Gautam Kulkarni

The Baby Who Had a Fit Over Her Father’s Stubble! by Dr Gautam Kulkarni

Protecting Our Children From Our Inner Demons THE BABY WHO HAD A FIT OVER HER FATHER’S STUBBLE! BY DR GAUTAM KULKARNI Another emergency referral! “An 8-month baby whose dad was swinging her, when she suddenly went pale, gave a cry and had a fit!” Incredible story, I thought. Never before in my 25 years as a Pediatrician had I heard it before. Was this a seizure? Was this baby shaken? Would she need a full “Child Protection Examination” were the thoughts racing through my mind! After all, we wouldn’t want to miss out...

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Dealing with a fussy Dresser

DEALING WITH A FUSSY DRESSER My daughter was 2 when she started being “funny” with clothes. It all started over a pair of jeans, they were a little small...

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