Samantha Kelly aka Tweetinggoddess on Twitter is a mum of two girls (20) and (13).
Samantha Kelly is a Twitter expert, author community builder and founder of the Womens inspire network a global online network for Female entrepreneurs.
Named as one of the top marketing influencers on many global lists Samantha Kelly has an engaged following of 52k and is an international speaker.
Her mantra is People buy from people and ‘Don’t worry about people copying your ideas, just keep being the best at what you do.’
How did you balance being a mother and professional?
Well, as a Mum you are never really off duty. I had to delegate and get childcare at times when I was busy or attending events. It’s one of the reasons I created Women’s Inspire Network. I wanted it to be more child friendly. It’s not uncommon to have a child on a lap of an attendee during one of our webinars! We also had a new born baby at our conference last year.
What have you sacrificed (both personally and professionally) at each stage of your career?
I suppose stuff for me. Like silly stuff like more beauty or clothes as my children get treated first …and it’s so important to show them the results of your hard work. We might take a trip or take my girls shopping. But I notice when I get home I might have one little bag and they have 2 each!
Who inspired you and why?
My Dad. He showed me that in order to get what you want you have to work hard to get it. And that dreams come true if you are kind, help others and stick with good people around you.
What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace?
Get a mentor. Someone you admire and trust. It’s good to run things by others who you trust before making decisions. Speak up and be proud. If you are doing the right things, the CEO or owner will notice. If they don’t appreciate you then there are plenty of places that have great work ethic that you can work in. I worked in several jobs before finding where I fit in most….and that was working for myself!
Do you think women feel intimidated in business?
Sometimes I felt that I had be a bitch to succeed but you don’t . I thought business was a ruthless game but it’s not. (It can be, but I don’t hang out with those type of people anyway. Find a community of women or men and women who are similar to you. Like minded folk can be found. This is also why I created Women’s Inspire network. I didn’t feel that I fit in, as I love having fun and also love being myself ….so I created a safe and warm supportive place with others just like me.
Where will we find you on a Saturday morning at 10 a.m.?
Doing a tweet about my Twitter workshops. Saturday mornings are a great time for clicks to sale on Twitter! Then I go for a walk with the dogs.
What do you love about your job?
I love being my own boss and I love seeing my clients shine online. I teach people how to raise their profile and take their business from offline to online to get more sales and opportunities. I love it when my clients are featured in the newspaper or on a podcast. It gives them such a boost which in turn makes me feel good.
What’s the best career decision you’ve ever made?
Doing the right thing. It resulted in me winning an award once.
What’s the worst career decision you’ve ever made?
Listening to gossip..I never listen to gossip now and always give everyone a chance.
What would you be doing if you were me now?
Raising your profile, showing you are the best and sharing your tips to others.
How do you organise your time?
I work in the morning until 2.30pm then take a break for family, then go back to work at 9.30pm as this is a really busy time on social media.
What do you think is your greatest strength?
What do you think is your greatest weakness?
Sometimes Kindness!!
How do you make decisions?
I think think think. I am lucky to be almost 12 years sober so I am on a program which teaches me to think before I react!
I also run things by another female leader or entrepreneur if its a business decision.
What do you read?
Articles that keep my finger on the pulse. E.g. articles about leadership and business
What do you think are the secrets behind getting to where you’ve got to?
Being kind, helping others, not ignoring anyone and including everyone. I also don’t get involved in controversy and keep things positive.
Samantha Kelly has a fantastic workshop coming up- you can find out more here
And Samantha also does a 6 step program for anyone who wants to raise their profile
And if anyone would like to join her network here is the link
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