Exercise is essential, but finding the motivation and opportunity to do it is always an effort. If you split this bigger goal into smaller chunks, you’ll find it much more manageable to find something that serves you and more likely to stick to it. Here are some ways to support your body:
Walk after lunch or dinner.
Going for a stroll after a meal was probably one of my favourite aims that I set for myself. It improves my functioning, helps the food go down, and I love some fresh air before returning to my daily tasks.

Drink tea/water instead of coffee/soda.
I’ve been trying to cut out diet coke for so long now its so bad for you. If it’s affecting your health and it’s annihilating your bank balance, try switching your usual coffee or soda for a cup of tea or even better, water.

Squeeze in some exercise.
I don’t have time to go to the gym, so I try and find 10 minutes to move my body. You’re more likely to do it because it doesn’t seem like a considerable dedication. I sometimes find myself going for longer than 10 minutes once I’ve started.

Eat more vegetables.
Pick how many servings you’d like to eat per day, Pinterest is great for searching for recipes that include vegetables (or better yet, ones where you can’t even tell there are vegetables in them).

Try meal prepping.
If you’re exhausted of having zilch to eat or spending all of your cash on fast food, try introducing an aim to meal prep each week for a month. It’ll save you so much time and money, and you’re more likely to make healthy choices.

Develop a workout routine.
Persistence is necessary for your health, and having a workout plan will help you stay on course and get you closer to reaching your overall wellness aims.

Drink more water.
There are so many advantages to drinking water besides the point that your body needs it to live. Drinking water keeps your brain alert and makes your skin glow! Try and keep a water bottle with you. Yes, you will use the bathroom more, but the pros outweigh the cons.

Try a new form of exercise.
If you’re grappling with exercising regularly, maybe you need to try a new exercise. You can do some much outwith the gym, I’m not a big fan of the gym anyway! Challenge yourself to try a new kind of exercise. You could try pilates, kickboxing, Crossfit, karate, Zumba, hip hop, barre, you never know what you will fall in love with.