I was sent a new book to review a little while ago, its sounded interesting and I really wanted to give it a try.
I Am your Friend by Billie Bacall helps bring mindfulness during those moments you feel down. And I don’t know about you, but I have been feeling it more with the Covid 19 lockdown.
I’ve suffered with low mood and anxiety since I was around 14. I’ve used coping mechanisms that help including medication and CBT. I’m always looking though for new ways in helping me in the moments of panic.
When I was contacted to review, I Am Your Friend, I wasn’t too sure if this sort of thing would be any good for me. The idea of reading a little self-help book didn’t bring me much joy but then I saw it was a book of feel good pictures I was happy to try it out as I feel I’m a very visual person.
Not only did I get to enjoy the beautiful book and share it with a special friend. I also got an interview with the lovely author, Billie Bacall.
Good afternoon, Let’s start at the beginning -tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m a visual artist and creative director based in London where I live with my family and cats. Apart from all things artistic I love being close to nature in my garden and hitting balls on the tennis court
How do you get inspired?
I always carry notebooks around with me and jot down anything and everything that comes my way – these notes form the foundation of my work. So basically, I always have my nose to the ground for any bit of inspiration I can find along the way which will; inform my work.
How do you overcome a creative block?
Always music. Maybe some dancing around to shake things up. Think differently. Take a different tack….
What is the first book that made you cry?
Really can’t remember. But recently wave by sonlali deraniyagala. Phenomenal
What was an early experience where you learned that drawing had power?
I remember colouring in some flowers with different colour petals when I was around 6 years. The teacher did not like it – she told me flowers did not look like that in real life and made me do the whole thing again with uniform colour petals. I was burning up inside – but I understood the power of the image in that instant even though she was so negative about my work (and horribly so)
What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
Being satisfied
What did you edit out of this book?”
Loads. Each image has at least 20 odd versions in a file. The edit became the easy part in the end. The process very hard
I Am Your Friend By Billie Bacall