Hello friends! We are back with another Other Mum feature, its been a while for these but I have been so busy and these take so much time today that I have just pushed it to the back….sorry as I know these are very popular! Today we have Riona! Social media mummy who is often seen going viral with her original songs about motherhood! She is Irish, she is talented, very real and extremely funny!! I first saw Riona on facebook and now we have connected on instagram and man, that lady has some pipes! What a voice! Now go and check out this sexy body confident mama…
Now Riona can be here
Facebook –here

Hey! I’m Riona aka The Unnatural Woman. I write funny songs and parodies and make ridiculous videos to make you laugh and take life a lot less seriously. My humour is as dry as a breast feeders vagina. I have no idea what I’m doing in life or motherhood and I am not one of those people with their shit together. I love cynicism and hope in equal measure and I hate different things on different days. My own brain is my worst enemy so I try not to listen to her much. She can be a right old bag.I also act and do voice overs. I have spent years in Londons West End and touring the world with shows like The Commitments, Beauty and the Beast and Twelfth Night. You’ll have heard me in computer games like Elite Dangerous, the odd Subway commercial and in adverts singing about bread. You can also hear me singing vocals for Beano Toons on their Frozen parody ‘Don’t Let It Go!’ – which is awesome, as I’ve been reading the Beano while pooping for 30 years!My husband Nicoll is a computer game developer of crazy games such as time-travelling-lumberjack-em-up FIST OF AWESOME and drivey-drivey-smash-em-up Maximum Car. We have a two year old son whose favourite things include dangerously high slides, Teletubbies and tantrums.
Where are you from? Do you still live there?if not where have you settled?I am from Kerry in the south west of Ireland. I moved away when I was 19 and now live in Bedfordshire via London. I’ve come full circle from a small town, to the big city to a little village. We’re still super near London so I get the best of both worlds.
What would be your revolution?Personally? To go through life not giving a care in the world world about body image, low self esteem or imposter syndrome.
What did you do on an average Saturday night before kids?I’m an actor so usually I would do two shows in the west end, drink Soho dry followed by a Balans burger and the night bus home for 5am before dragging my sorry arse into work again for a two show Sunday!
What is your Saturday like now?I have actually got much better at doing very little these days. When my toddler was younger he was a little limpet so I found it easier being out and about where he had lots of distractions. Nowadays we start off with a very lazy morning, maybe the park or head out for lunch and a stroll. There is always the avoidance of some household task. Saturdays usually involves a hunt for scones for my husband. There can never be enough scones.
If you have alone time-where would you go?Currently I hide in my bedroom with my computer trying to squeeze out an idea for a new video or post while trying to resist the possibility of a nap. If I had actual ALONE ALONE time where I didn’t have to work, like AWAY, I… I have no idea. Why is this beyond the realm of my imagination??!! Hahahah I don’t get away much on my own other than to see friends, then we generally try to fit six months worth of food and wine into one evening. It’s always good!
Where is your happy place?Breastfeeding my son to sleep. The pub. Anywhere with potatoes.
What thing do you not like to do?Remind people that actors and creators like to eat stuff and have a roof over their heads! I’m so bored of being asked to do everything for free.
If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?Definitely apparate. My son is so in love with Nana and Auntie LouLou who live at home in Ireland. I’d love for him to be able to see them every week. Plus the babysitting perks I could 100% get on board with!
Who are your top 3 lady heroes?My Mom. Brene Brown. All my female friends – their resilience and strength blows me away.
When you were little, what did you want to be?A vet
What’s the best book you have read this year?Body Positive Power by BodyPosiPanda
What makes you feel afraid?Everything to do with my son getting hurt. That I’ll never overcome my own brains negative thoughts about myself.
What would your last meal be?Mash, spinach, sweet corn with philadelphia, roast potatoes, quorn escalope, stuffing and gravy!
What is your dream job?I’ve already done it. As an actor all I’ve ever wanted to do was work, not be famous, just to use the skills that I am best at and feel like I am contributing. I would love to go back to the west end. If job sharing was a thing as an actor, I’d be back auditioning tomorrow but it’s not, and me working 6 days a week is not right for my family just now. I’ve also learned that a dream job is still a job and there are highs and lows to that too. You’ve got to embrace them all! Right now I’m loving working on some adverts and voice overs and of course creating lots for social media. I’ve discovered the body positive movement and it’s really inspired me to create from that space, so maybe that’s a new dream right there!
On the first day of ruling the world, what would you do?Equal pay. Abortion access globally. LGBTQIA, disabled and fat equality. Diet industry abolition. Then hand it all over to Michelle Obama. Make sure she’s well fed and watered and surrounded by other women making decisions. Go to bed.
Thank Riona!