Covid19 Diary – Lockdown day 13
OK, I’m not very good at this diary thing. I missed out the weekend this is partly because I was working and the other half, I did sweet FA, doesn’t make for very entertaining reading.
I have found myself with an unstoppable headache since Saturday night, nothing is shifting it. I have drunk plenty of water, had my head massaged, stood under the shower like I was in a crying scene in the movies. I have gotten plenty of sleep, and the bloody thing is still thumping away! I suspect it may actually be tension in my neck and jaw, bringing it on due to all the stress of the situation. I’m not one to get headaches, so I’m not handling this one very well.

I have found myself “levelling out” with my emotions, I’m sure it’s because life hasn’t changed much for us.
I stayed at home, I didn’t socialise (much), I would go weeks or months not seeing people, and I am still having to go into work. It seems I have been training up for a lockdown my whole life. Ha! Seriously though, don’t pity me or feel sad about how I live. I like it this way, its been my choice to be this way and I wouldn’t change it. I’m a 34-year-old living the granny life.
Things I have been doing during this time is running more and have noticed my waistline shirking due to the lack of McDonald’s I’m eating. I have no idea that my once (OK, maybe twice) a week burger was affecting me so severely. I am a lot less active than usual, even when running. I guess that is a good thing but god, I miss a Big Mac!

The children are doing well, Cora seems to have calmed a bit as things become more “normal” though she still needs a little encouragement to get outside. I do worry about her, she is so like me, and I can see the appearance of just staying inside and drawing all day, but she needs fresh air. I can see the glow going in her face.
Cassius seems to be thriving in it all, his language has dramatically improved, and he’s learnt the skill of standing up when he wee’s. He’s very proud of himself. He’s very fond of his gran, and I have witnessed their bond with prangs of jealousy, he’s defiantly a granny boy.

I have spoken to my teacher friend, and she has talked to me about how stressed she is trying to give her students grades with no exams happening this year.
I feel for her, I was that student many years ago told that the “didn’t expect” me to pass any of my exams (thanks for the encouragement Mr.Baird).
I’m dyslexic and was in a small school. I just didn’t get the support or resources to aid me in my education. I worked my ass off though, I pushed to make sure I was the same as everyone else. Exams were tricky as I didn’t have the same time and aids I used during everyday work, so often become overwhelmed and unable to complete them.
I did my exams and passed them. No, didn’t just pass – I did very well! I exceeded expectations and was up with the best in my class. I feel though if I was to be going through this now, I would have been left with a very disappointing mark and my future unsure.
Despite the feeling of everything being reasonable, I still get the bursts of anxiety when I hear the rising numbers of deaths and people not staying inside. The UK has declared 439 more deaths caused by the coronavirus today, taking the total to 5,373, and 3,802 new positive tests have pushed the number of patients up to 51,608.
In a glimmer of hope after a dark week for Britain, the number of people dying of COVID-19 has now fallen for two days in a row and today dropped 30 per cent from 621 yesterday.
Today’s death count is the lowest since March 31, last Tuesday, when it was 381, and marks a 39 per cent fall from the UK’s worst day so far, Saturday, when the deaths of 708 people were recorded.
The number of new cases is also lower than it was for almost all of last week, with the 3,802 new positive tests 2,101 fewer than 5,903 yesterday and only the second time since March that the number has been below 4,000.
Though the records show it’s gone down, I fear this will be short-lived, and we are yet to reach our peak like the others.

My Instagram has taken a bit of a battering, I have nothing exciting to say or do. I have lost many followers, but for once, I don’t really care.
I don’t feel like entertaining my followers when I’m feeling so meh about everything going on in the world, it just doesn’t seem right.
I want to be that person, the one who brings light relief in this time, but the truth is I’m the one needing it. I have unfollowed many the last few days. It just doesn’t seem right to me scrolling through this little app – I know that’s how so many of my online friends make a living but its all feeling somewhat “distasteful”?
Maybe I’m wrong, or I’m not using the right words, but it’s not sitting well with me, and I have found I’m not even looking anymore. I know I’m not the only one, many of my “real-life” friends agree.
The days seem so much longer just now, and this headache sure isn’t helping!
Covid19 Diary – Lockdown day 11 here